Monday, December 29, 2008

Great Barrington

Greg and I left for GB early this morning from NJ. We'd never driven up from home before, and thought it would be about 2 hours - turns out the way the GPS had us go involved lots of backroads, and it took about 3 hours. 
Anyway, it was Greg's first time there, so I showed him all the classic moderates. He sent Hairy White Thing (V3/4) and tried a few other climbs. Sounds like he liked the gneiss. 
Before we went over to Hairy White Thing, I gave a few burns on Filter (v9), and on my first go fell going to the jug. After Greg sent, we went back to Filter and I finished it up in a couple more tries. After that I gave Fotowa a few burns, but my left pointer and ring fingers started bleeding. On the way out we stopped by the Speed Boulder so Greg could see it, and I figured I'd give Castalettes (V9) a few burns. I'd previously thought that this problem would never go for me, but I sent on my third burn today - super stoked! It was a good day, and we took a better route home and made the drive only 2 hours.

Just a week till Hueco!!! Stoked!

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