Monday, July 13, 2009

It has been a long time since I have updated this, but I hope to start again. Greg and I leave for Catalunya a week from tomorrow, and I'm super excited! I've been climbing really well in the gym, doing laps on the two 13b/c routes... hopefully I'm prepared for some of the mid-length routes. I doubt it will help for the pure resistance 50m+ routes, but what would. Surprisingly I haven't lost any power - I can static 1-5-9 on the campus board now, which was one of my goals for the summer.

This Friday and Saturday I plan to head to Rumney - I've planned to do so for the past 2 weekends, but weather and familial obligations have prevented me from doing so. If I make it up there, I'd like to finish up Dr. No (13d/14a) and jump on Technosurfing (12b). Other than that, I just want to touch real rock again! It seems like its been forever....

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