Friday, October 17, 2008


Last night Jeremy and I made our way up to Newburyport MA to forerun some problems for the comp they are having on saturday. I had trained hard the previous two nights, and was completely surprised when they handed me the open category score sheet to run. There were about twenty problems on the list, going from V7 to V10; I knew I was in for  a long night. We tried to run all of the problems, but by the end I couldn't do more than 3 moves at a time on the 7s. Forerunning that many problems is HARD - props to the guys who do this for the big comps. I woke up this morning and couldn't clench my fists, and my back is sorer than ever. What a good day of training that was. 

I'm excited to be heading back to Great Barrington on Sunday. Hopefully I will send my nemesis, Big Big Love, within the first few tries. If not, I think I'm giving up on that circus trick of a problem. 

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