Jeremy, Chelsea, Sam, Brandon, P. Fitz, and I made it out to Lincoln Woods today to do a little afternoon bouldering. People talk a lot of smack about Lincoln Woods, mostly because of the graffiti on the rock, the grilling, and the loud music . I think most of that is to be expected 10 minutes outside of Providence, though. We got on a lot of problems today, and my tips held up well - I think Ander's A-Balm ( is really making a big difference on that front. Anyway I sent 3 climbs today - Neil's Lunge (v4), Clutch (v9), and Who Needs Hueco? (v8). Who Needs Hueco was my favorite climb - sidepulls and pinches out a roof to a big move to a hueco. Jeremy, Brandon and I sent this line just as the sun was fading. Next time I go back there are 4 7s that I need to finish up. Anyway, here are some photos. All photos by Adrian Cighi
Me on Clutch (v9) Photo by Adrian Cighi
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