Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lincoln Woods

Jeremy, Chelsea, Sam, Brandon, P. Fitz, and I made it out to Lincoln Woods today to do a little afternoon bouldering. People talk a lot of smack about Lincoln Woods, mostly because of the graffiti on the rock, the grilling, and the loud music . I think most of that is to be expected 10 minutes outside of Providence, though. We got on a lot of problems today, and my tips held up well - I think Ander's A-Balm ( is really making a big difference on that front. Anyway I sent 3 climbs today - Neil's Lunge (v4), Clutch (v9), and Who Needs Hueco? (v8). Who Needs Hueco was my favorite climb - sidepulls and pinches out a roof to a big move to a hueco. Jeremy, Brandon and I sent this line just as the sun was fading. Next time I go back there are 4 7s that I need to finish up. Anyway, here are some photos. All photos by Adrian Cighi

Jeremy on Who Needs Hueco (v8)      Photo by Adrian Cighi
Me on Who Needs Hueco          Photo by Adrian Cighi
Jeremy on Clutch (v9)   Photo by Adrian Cighi
Me on Clutch (v9)    Photo by Adrian Cighi

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